Geotechnical Society of Edmonton

NEWS 2007

Posted January 30, 2007

Event April 30 to May 04, 2007

Introduction to Applied Environmental Geochemistry and Geochemical Modeling Course

Dr. Robert Donahue, P.Eng.,Dr. John Mahoney, Dr. Terry Fonstad, P.Eng.

An understanding of geochemical principles is essential to the cost effective management of groundwater and waste management problems. The course will provide the geo-science practitioner with the tools to characterize groundwater systems and predict their response to contaminants loading or remediation efforts. The material is presented through examples of basic mineral-water-atmospheric gas interactions and through case studies of contaminated sites, mine waste management, CO2 sequestration and intensive livestock operations. The course material is delivered though lectures and hands on geochemical modeling designed to reinforce geochemical concepts and provide analytical tools for the working professional.

For More information read the Brochure and the Registration Form


c/o. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
7th Floor, Danadeo Innovation Center for Engineering
9211 - 116 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Email GSE
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Registration Form

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